Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

We had a blast on Halloween.  Everyone gets into it and dresses up so it's makes it that much more fun for the kids.  This year Michael was the Joker, Luke was Robin, and Emma was Dorothy.  I dressed up as a clown and my Mom dressed as a witch and my sis was a German Beer maid and my Dada was a Cubs baseball player.  We made our rounds in mom & dad's neighborhood and loaded up on candy.

Chuck went to go trick or treat with his girls and i have to say his costume, time and effort Won the Best costume award by far.  Anya was going as Princess Peach from Mario Brothers and wanted her Daddy to be Bowser.  A Bowser costume was no where to be found, so he made one.  He worked so hard on it and in the end, made his little Anya so happy.  Way to go Daddy, you did a great job!!

Christmas Pics...just because

Every year I try to get pics of my kids for Christmas, versus taking them somewhere and paying and arm and a leg for them.  I try to get a good one and put them on the Christmas card.  This year we did a picture of all 5 kids and I must say it came out pretty awesome.  Chuck and I were pretty excited.  I came up with the idea and he made everything look good.  It's all about the team work.   Go team Jones!!!
Anyway, these are just a few random shots of my kiddos.  As Michael used to say in Kindergarten....You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Enjoy!!!

Fall Pics of the Kids

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Living Arrangements

Well, Chuck and I have officially been married about a month and half and things couldn't be better.  Everyone has adjusted very well.  The kids absolutely ADORE Chuck. (they even fight over him.)
I think it's probably harder on Chuck than anyone else, but he is taking it like a champ and going with the flow.  I feel extremely blessed to have this amazing man in my life.